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 Competition in POLAND KANION - invitation 
Autorius Žinutė

Užsiregistravo: 2016-12-14, 12:39 pm
Pranešimai: 5
Standartinė Competition in POLAND KANION - invitation
Hi girls and guys!

In Italy, some of you asked about the competition in Poland on KANION. The competition will take place on 04.09.2022 - FT shoots 25×2!

This is the same place as at the WFTC 2018, but this time you can drive into the competition area itself.

Competition announcement below:

Entry form:

Competitor list: ... fvsEXu5WoE

If there is interest, next year we will prepare a 2-day competition dedicated only to FT and we have a plan to re-visit in Lithuania ;)

Hope to see you!

2022-08-22, 11:33 am
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